Vietnam and the Allies

Ngo Dinh Diem at Washington

Eisenhower greeting Ngo Dinh Diem at Washington in 1957
U.S President Eisenhower greeting a flight of South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem at Washington National Airport. Ngo Dinh Diem visit the United States with a main purpose of the Vietnam government. He talked and asked for the aid of the U.S to protect the South Vietnam out of the spread of the Communism in North Vietnam. President Eisenhower promised to help the South Vietnam and this could tell the first move of the support of the U.S to the South Vietnam.

President Kennedy’s Letter to Ngo Dinh Diem

December 14, 1961 Dear Mr. President:

I have received your recent letter in which you described so cogently the dangerous conditions caused by North Vietnam's effort to take over your country. The situation in your embattled country is well known to me and to the American people. We have been deeply disturbed by the assault on your country. Our indignation has mounted as the deliberate savagery of the Communist programs of assassination, kidnapping, and wanton violence became clear.

Your letter underlines what our own information has convincingly shown - that the campaign of force and terror now being waged against your people and your Government is supported and directed from outside by the authorities at Hanoi. They have thus violated the provisions of the Geneva Accords designed to ensure peace in Vietnam and to which they bound themselves in 1954.

At that time, the United States, although not a party to the Accords, declared that it "would view any renewal of the aggression in violation of the Agreements with grave concern and as seriously threatening international peace and security." We continue to maintain that view.

In accordance with that declaration, and in response to your request, we are prepared to help the Republic of Vietnam to protect its people and to preserve its independence. We shall promptly increase our assistance to your defense effort as well as help relieve the destruction of the floods which you describe. I have already given the orders to get these programs underway.

The United States, like the Republic of Vietnam, remains devoted to the cause of peace and our primary purpose is to help your people maintain their independence. If the Communist authorities in North Vietnam will stop their campaign to destroy the Republic of Vietnam, the measures we are taking to assist your defense efforts will no longer be necessary. We shall seek to persuade the Communists to give up their attempts to force and subversion. In any case, we are confident that the Vietnamese people will preserve their independence and gain the peace and prosperity for which they have sought so hard and so long.

The Letter above could tell the U.S President Kennedy really wanted to help Vietnam out of the crisis and he wanted to organize Vietnam. He sent American troops to Vietnam to stop the spread of the Communist and stable Vietnam citizens. 

Meeting in Vietnam

U.S President, General in Vietnam, 1966
U.S President Lyndon B. Johnson visit Vietnam and have a meeting with General William Westmoreland, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Thieu, and Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky. The visit of President Johnson tells how U.S aid South Vietnam as the first promise of the U.S President Eisenhower.

The Meeting in Hawaii

Nguyen Cao Ky with Lyndon B. Johnson in Hawaii, 1966
U.S President Lydon B. Johnson and South Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Cao Ky sat together and they talked about the war in Vietnam. This meeting was held in Hawaii in 1966, they were planning on how the war affect to the citizens of both sides.

Richard M. Nixon During a Press Conference

Nixon and the Conference on Vietnam and Cambodia in 1970
To keep the aid to the South Vietnam, President Nixon have had a conference about the Vietnam and Cambodia. This picture could tell the Vietnam War was keeping on through many years, many presidents and many thing happened.

The Biography of Ho Chi Minh could tell how the North Vietnam become Communist. Ho Chi Minh was the one who bring the idea of Communist to Vietnam. He started travel to the Communist Countries to ask for the military supplies for North Vietnam in 1911 to push away the foreign and save Vietnam. After 30-year trip to find a way to save the country, before the new requirements of the situation and be accepted as the Communist International. He came back to Vietnam in 1941, the North Vietnam became Communist and the Vietnam war has began.

Ho Chi Minh in East German

Ho Chi Minh and East German sailors in 1957
Ho Chi Minh was a leader of the Communist in North Vietnam, he visit the East German to ask for the aid to North Vietnam to fight against the U.S and South Vietnam. East German was the Communist country after World War II, and there were a place that Ho Chi Minh could ask for Allies to fight the U.S.